I Am Not My Skeletons

If I unfolded the dusty box, will my face have a darker shade?
If I admitted for the sins committed, can you still smile when you call my name? I have changed, I have changed
I’ll beg and plead just look at me the same

Raie OY

The meaning of this poem,

If I unfolded my dusty box, will my face have a darker shade? ( If I told you about my past, will I look horrible in your eyes?)

If I admitted for the sins committed, can you still smile when you call my name? ( If I told you my sins and mistakes, will I look the same to you?)

I have changed, I have changed. I’ll beg and plead just look at me the same (I am not my past, I am not my sins, I have changed. just look at me the same)

I wrote this worried Id be judged. I was scared to open up. Scared I’d be judged for the skeletons, different flesh and bones, I used to be and I used to wear.